
Transition League - What's the scoop?

Posted: Feb 6, 2020
Categories: Blog Posts

Q&A for Transition League

1) What age group is this league for?
This league is for boys and girls that are 6 years old.

2) What will my child be doing?
Your child will be developing his or her skills to move to coach’s pitch within the next year. This league features extra weeks of practice, because this is a pivotal skill development time. Local high school coaches will assist our volunteer coaching staff to ensure your child’s development from hitting off of a tee all the way to hitting off of a live coaches pitch.

3) Why does my child need to be here?
Your child needs to be here to develop the necessary skills to become a better player. This league is about learning the fundamentals of baseball. We do not recommend skipping this age group. We used to group 6-8 year olds together, but we found that the difference in the age range was too drastic. This league is designed to develop fundamentals so that your child will be able to find success during games, therefore ensuring more fun as they move on in their softball or baseball careers.

4) Will my child miss out on anything other age groups are getting?
No. The transition league gets everything the other ages get. They will have games, practices, a shirt, and a hat/visor. But the transition league will have experienced coaches leading and helping our volunteer coaches for the best possible development.

5) What if I feel my child is too advanced for this?
There is no such thing as being too advanced for fundamentals. Athletes consistently revisit fundamentals through their college and professional career, so there is no purpose in rushing past them here. We believe this league is extremely important to a young athlete’s development.

6) Are the games just for training?
Our biggest focus is fun! However, with all sports, there is a competitive aspect to every game. We do not keep scores for 4, 5, or 6 year old sports.

7) Is this T-ball or Coach Pitch?
It is a mixture of both. The goal of the league is to push the athletes towards coach pitch. If your child misses the ball three times, they will be allowed to hit off of the tee. The goal is to see an increase in the ability to hit the ball without the tee as the league progresses.

8) What is the goal of the Transition League?
The goal of this league is to build the best fundamental base for young athletes moving forward. We believe this league will be a building block for young athletes. As opposed to playing up in age, this league allows young athletes the chance to build great fundamentals that will allow them to have better skill development in the future. Fundamentals are the foundation!

